Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Get Going!

Hello Everyone,

Praying that you all are doing well.  It has been so long since I have written to you.  Been working but also in a mini slump.

Does this ever happen to you?  You have so many ideas, plans and dreams that you want to accomplish but it all seems overwhelming to just get started let alone complete what has already been started.  Well that is the dilemma I have been in leading up to my slump.  I have so many things I want to write about, so many ideas and dreams for our local church,  dreams that I would like to achieve for myself in life and organization projects to do around the house.  So many things are on my mind seemingly at once, that I shutdown because of not know were to begin but also because of fear (yes I know, I know) about what will happen if it succeeds or fails.

Well, while sitting at my desk just now it came to me!  Just GET GOING!!!!  Do whatever it is that God has placed on  your heart to do and DO IT!!! Don't wait, hesitate or  procrastinate.  Get Going and don't stop!  Don't ever stop!!!  Believe that God has given you these thoughts, ideas and dreams for a reason.  One to fulfill the purpose He has for your life and two to help someone along the way.

So I am telling you what God just told me, GET GOING!!!!!!

Much Love,

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Listening Your Way Out of Failure

We lead such messy lives sometimes, directionally challenged, bad-decisions-scarred lives. And sometimes when we least expect it, we turn around and discover that we’ve sunken into a ‘pit’ that welcomed us so open-armedly that we didn’t even notice when our sinking began.
Renowned Bible teacher, Beth Moore, teaches about the ‘pit’, and how we can become so familiar with it that most people don’t even bother to seek a way out. We often decorate our pits, she says, so that they seem more homely. We move in our emotional couches and tables, recline and put our feet up, because in our minds we’ve hit a dead-end and after all, what’s so bad about being in a pit anyway? So it is we get stuck.

Though there is only one explicit mention in the Bible of someone being thrown into a pit, the idea of being hurled, whether by others or by our own doing, into a low, ditch-like situation is common throughout the entire biblical text. The human dilemma is that we are imperfect beings armed with free-will and a whole slew of emotions. Thus, we sometimes make choices based on how we feel, rather than slowing down and really giving thought to the possible repercussions. Our choices, or those of others, can wind up impacting us so negatively that we turn inward and assume the status of a pit-dweller.
Yet, pits are not homes, neither are they meant to be comfortable. At best, the pit is a place of testing and development, it is the place of processing deep hurts and disappointments and navigating through major life changes, but it is never supposed to be a place of permanent derailment. Your pit should produce a greater level of fortitude within you rather than weaken your resolve.

So how do you get out once you’ve slipped into one of life’s low places? I believe the answer starts with hearing God’s voice. There is such tremendous power, peace, and direction in hearing the Father’s voice in the midst of your situation, that it completely outweighs every other method or agent of relief. The glory of His presence is contained in the fact that He is ever present, and so even at our lowest point we discover, if we look closely, that He is there, lingering still, by our sides. And so it’s His voice that replaces light, when all around us is darkness.

God’s voice heard echoing through His Word is the rope thrown down to us for our rescue. There is undoubtedly nothing more powerful on the face of the earth than the Word of God – written, spoken, and manifested. If you listen closely, His Word will always point you to the ‘Exit’ sign, and reveal the heart of God to you. His Word always comes in to mop up our mess and realign our focus with the will of God. Today, choose to lean on God’s spoken and written Word as you navigate your way out of the place called ‘failure’. His Word is more than sufficient to guide you.

Scripture of the Day: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” - Psalm 119:105

By Kerri-Ann Haye-Donawa (Daily Devotional)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August Memory Verse

Hello Everyone,

I hope that all of you are doing well.  Today is August 1st, which means it is time for a new memory verse.  I hope that these verses are helpful and encouraging.  If you are memorizing them please let us know!

This month the verse is coming from Psalm 119:114 NIV.
        "You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word."
God is our refuge!  He said in His word that nothing can take us out of His hand.  That means regardless of what is going on around us God has us in His hand.  He has our back!

Hope in God's word!  Pray it back to Him.  Study it.  Listen to it. (I am right now!  If you go to www.biblegateway.com you can type in a book of the Bible or a passage of scripture then hit the speaker button and you can listen to the book or passage.)

Always remember God's word is true.  The Bible is God's love letter to you.  Read it, study it, memorize it and live by it.  God's word stands forever. Amen.

Much Love,.